Creating a Databricks Secret Scope

databricks secrets create-scope agolnew-secret --initial-manage-principal users

This command is useful when setting up a new secret scope and defining the initial access control for managing that scope. After creating the secret scope, we can use it to store and retrieve secrets securely within Databricks environment, helping to manage sensitive information such as API keys, passwords, or other credentials needed for analytics or machine learning workflows.

databricks secrets create-scope: This part of the command is used to create a secret scope in Databricks. A secret scope is a way to store and manage secrets securely within the Databricks workspace.

agolnew-secret: This is the name given to the secret scope being created. In this case, it’s named “agolnew-secret”. Secret scopes help organize and manage secrets related to a specific project, application, or purpose.

–initial-manage-principal users: This part of the command specifies the initial principal that will have manage permissions on the secret scope. In this case, it’s set to “users,” meaning individual users will have the initial management permissions on the secret scope.

Adding a Secret to a Databricks Secret Scope for AGOL Integration

databricks secrets put-secret agolnew-secret agolincoming 

The command is used to store a secret in a Databricks secret scope.

databricks secrets put-secret: This part of the command is used to store a secret in a Databricks secret scope. It is the operation that adds a new secret to the specified secret scope.

agolnew-secret: This is the name of the secret scope where the secret will be stored. In the previous command, created a secret scope named “agolnew-secret.”

agolincoming: This is the name of the secret being stored. It could represent a specific credential, API key, or any sensitive information that we want to securely store in the secret scope.

Securely Storing AGOL Integration Credentials in Databricks Secret Scope

databricks secrets put-secret agolnew-secret username
databricks secrets put-secret agolnew-secret password

The two commands provided are used to store a username and password in a Databricks secret scope named “agolnew-secret.”

databricks secrets put-secret agolnew-secret username: This command is storing a secret with the name “username” in the secret scope “agolnew-secret.” The content of this secret is likely the username or identifier needed for some integration or authentication process.

databricks secrets put-secret agolnew-secret password: Similarly, this command is storing a secret with the name “password” in the secret scope “agolnew-secret.” The content of this secret is likely the corresponding password or authentication key associated with the username stored in the previous command.

Viewing Secrets in Databricks: Exploring AGOL Integration Credentials in ‘agolnew-secret’ Scope

databricks secrets list-secrets agolnew-secret

The command is used to retrieve and display the list of secrets stored within the Databricks secret scope named “agolnew-secret.” The command essentially provides a way to view the secrets stored within a specific secret scope, allowing users to see what sensitive information is securely stored in Databricks for their workflows.

databricks secrets list-secrets: This part of the command is used to retrieve and list the secrets within a specified secret scope.

agolnew-secret: This is the name of the secret scope for which we want to retrieve the list of secrets.

Securing Cleanup: Deleting a Key from Databricks Secret Scope ‘agolnew-secrets

databricks secrets delete-secret agol-secrets key

The command is used to delete a secret named “key” from the Databricks secret scope named “agolnew-secrets.”

databricks secrets delete-secret: This part of the command indicates the operation to delete a secret from a Databricks secret scope.

agolnew-secrets: This is the name of the secret scope from which we want to delete the secret. key: This is the name of the secret to be deleted. In this case, it’s a secret with the name “key.”