Azure Data Storage
Just as it is important to upload your data from a physical device such as SD Card to Cloud, so is it also important to check that it has successfully landed in the cloud. As mentioned earlier, Azure is our cloud storage platform.
Step 1: Sign into Azure
Go to Azure Microsoft. At the top right, there is a sign in button.
Click on it and sign in to Azure using your provided credentials.
Here is the Azure Home Page you will land in.
Step 2: Landing page
Click on the nsiitechdevadlslanding
link. This will take you to the landing page where all data collected flows into.
Scroll down on the options to your left and click on Containers, under the Data Storage tab.
Click on the row written Kutuma.
Step 3: Kutuma uploaded data
Click on the folder written Natural State and click the others that follow in this order.
Natural State>Range Biodiversity Project>cameraTrapImages. Once you reach cameraTrapImages you will find a list of folders like below. Each folder has a unique number and each folder contains data uploaded at a specific time.
Go to the last folder which represents the most recently uploaded image(s).
In there, you will find a folder labelled with the QR code digits which Kutuma picked when it scanned the QR code on the SD card.
Inside this folder you will find the two images we had uploaded earlier, as seen under the Modified column.
Images and other documents in Azure are stored in the Blob storage format.